Change default print set up?



Hi all,

I am wondering if there is a way to change the default print setup i
Excel 2003? :h?

I tried recording a macro, but it runs & runs & runs, and only get
through part of the setup.

What I want:

- orientation = Portrait
- scaling = 1 wide x (blank) tall
- papersize = letter
- zero margins
- center horizontally
- center vertically


Gord Dibben

You cannot set 1 wide by blank tall.

Excel won't accept a number less than 1

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Archimedes' Lever

You cannot set 1 wide by blank tall.

Excel won't accept a number less than 1

I use this exact setting on my Brady Label template sheet, and it takes
it just fine, so if yours does not, it is a printer driver level issue,
not an excel issue.

I use it to get fine pixel level adjustments of my print job for
registering all 50 labels on the page.

I like my Excel label templates better than the Word versions. I have
a much finer adjustment range that is right there in front of me via
column and row adjustment. In Word, it requires properties dialogs to be
entered, and that means several more steps between proof print jobs.

Dave Peterson

Record another macro when you do it manually.

But before you run the macro, remove (or comment) the lines you don't need (for
the settings that you don't want/need to touch).

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
' .PrintTitleRows = ""
' .PrintTitleColumns = ""
' .LeftHeader = ""
' .CenterHeader = ""
' .RightHeader = ""
' .LeftFooter = "&D &T"
' .CenterFooter = ""
' .RightFooter = ""
.LeftMargin = 0
.RightMargin = 0
.TopMargin = 0
.BottomMargin = 0
.HeaderMargin = 0
.FooterMargin = 0
' .PrintHeadings = False
' .PrintGridlines = False
' .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
.CenterHorizontally = True
.CenterVertically = True
.Orientation = xlPortrait
' .Draft = False
' .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter
' .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic
' .Order = xlDownThenOver
' .BlackAndWhite = False
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = False
' .PrintErrors = xlPrintErrorsDisplayed
End With

Unless I know that I'm finished, I'll comment the lines I don't need. Then if
(when!) I make a mistake, it's easier to fix. But once I'm satisfied that I
have it right, I'll delete the commented lines.

ps. Notice the .zoom = false line. That's important when you use the Fit-to

Dave Peterson

Don't use a space character--select the textbox and delete (or backspace)
whatever is in it.

Gord Dibben

Thanks Dave

I tried again and no problem with a blank.

Note sure what I was doing before to get the error message.



Thanks Dave!

I had deleted the lines I didn't feel I needed, and perhaps the .zoo
line was one.

I tried the code below, and it does work, although it still takes
while (I'm guessing worksheet size has some bearing on this)
added a Msgbox to let me know when it is done running; I have othe
related processes tied to each worksheet in various applications that
do while waiting!

This one went onto my formatting toolbar, and will definitely b
getting a daily workout cgrin

I appreciate the responses!


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