Change dotted line border around the Text Box to a solid line border



How can I change the border of a Text Box to a solid line
border? I can get to the Text Box shape like this:


But I can't find the property to change the Text Box

In Word XP, a user would change this manually by
selecting the Text Box; select Format | Text Box; Change
the value of Line Dashed to Solid.

Where is the Office 10.0 Object Library property that
controls this action? ;-)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Peter Hewett

Hi Gilroy

Try something like this:
Word.Application.ActiveDocument.Shapes.Item(36) _
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid

BTW it's not part of the Office object model it's part of Words object model.

HTH + Cheers - Peter


That worked worderfully Peter.
Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gilroy

Try something like this:
Word.Application.ActiveDocument.Shapes.Item(36) _
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid

BTW it's not part of the Office object model it's part of Words object model.

HTH + Cheers - Peter


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