Change Event....


Bob Barnes

I am writing a DB to work w/ Card Swipe equipment.

I have an unbound textbox to check the Length of the entry. When it's 5
(the code from the card swipe), it runs code to populate Unbound textboxes
on an Unbound Form.

But, it's acting doesn't always use the "most recent entry".

Any ideas?

TIA - Bob

Allen Browne

Try the AfterUpdate event of the text box.
The Change event is probably too early.
It fires with every keystroke.
You want the event that fires after all keystrokes are present.

Bob Barnes

Allen - THANK you.

Allen Browne said:
Try the AfterUpdate event of the text box.
The Change event is probably too early.
It fires with every keystroke.
You want the event that fires after all keystrokes are present.

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