Change excel cursor



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)
Processor: Power PC

Does anyone know how to change the "hand" cursor in excel 2004? I can't find an option anywhere in excel.


JE McGimpsey

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)
Processor: Power PC

Does anyone know how to change the "hand" cursor in excel 2004? I can't find
an option anywhere in excel.

AFAIK, there's no provision in any MacXL version for changing cursors.


Pointer configuration isn't a part of the application programming - the
software uses what's provided by the OS. If you want something different
there are 2rd party haxies you can install which provide everything from
"functional" to "frivolous"... Google for mac mouse pointers. Be careful,
though because utilities of that type can play havoc with your apps & even
if they aren't problematic they usually affect *all* programs rather than
just one in particular.


Thanks again - That is what I was afraid of... but it makes me wonder why they changed it from the earlier versions - I guess to be "different from the PC version...

JE McGimpsey

Thanks again - That is what I was afraid of... but it makes me wonder why
they changed it from the earlier versions - I guess to be "different from the
PC version...

Hmmm... remember that XL was originally a Mac product, years before
Windows was even released.

And if you're talking about the hand cursor that appears when moving
cells or objects, AFAIK, that has been around forever - at least since

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