I have a populated TEXT field that I would like to change to LOOKUP on
another table for all new records.
LookUp fields are A Really Really Bad Idea -- but perhaps you mean that
you'd like to make a proper Foreign Key and relationship.
First some assumptions: your original table looks like this:
Eric, 32, Red
Simba, 4, Blue
Fred, 17, Ginger
and the other table looks like this:
1 Red
2 Blue
3 Green
First, back up everything twice before you start.
Make sure you data are "clean": that every colour exists in the other
table. Note that record 'Fred' has 'Ginger', which is not legal colour
in the look up table. Either add a new row in the look up table or change
the original record. You can create a query to help with this.
Next, add a new field to the original table to hold the new FK -- call it
ColourID or something, and make it exactly the same data type and size as
the ID field in the Colours table.
Use an update query to join the two tables on the colour text and fill in
the appropriate value of Colours.ID into OriginalTable.ColourID.
When that is complete and tested, you can delete the old
OriginalTable.Colour field, and create the relationship between the new
field and the Colours.ID field.
Did I mention to back up everything twice before you start?
Hope that helps
Tim F