Change file associations all at once?




Sorry, I can't find the answer and know it's been asked before.

Having v2003 Office, I installed v2007 into a different folder and now
have both versions. But now I click on an XLS file and it naturally
opens in v2007, however, I want it to open in version 2003. In fact, I
want all my office files to still open in v2003 by default. I know I
can change each file association separately in Folder Options, but I
seem to remember that a command could be typed into the Run dialog box
to change all relevant file types to a particular version (i.e., XLS,

Can someone please provide me with the command if one exists or other



Presumably you have the compatibility pack for 2003 installed in order to
open later format files?
All seems a little OTT
Just for interest is there a specific reason for haveing both versions

JoAnn Paules

I know I've seen this posted before and I think the answer is that you
cannot assign the various types to a specific version of Word, Excel, etc.
(I could be wrong tho but I don't think so)


No, I don't remember installing the Computability Pack, but how could
I be sure?

It's important I now have access to both versions of the program, not
just open the files.


Yes, at least I did it in the past. When working with versions, 2000,
2002, and 2003, a project required me to to develop and check files
running under each of these. Tired of manually opening them through
the program, I found a way to mass-change the associations to the
version of my choice, and this was done through a Run command. I got
the information from a group and it worked well. When switching from
one version to another, I could simply enter a run command and then
launching a file would open the appropriate program version I

This doesn't sound familiar to anyone here? Maybe it was from a
different group?

I know I've seen this posted before and I think the answer is that you
cannot assign the various types to a specific version of Word, Excel, etc..
(I could be wrong tho but I don't think so)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Sorry, I can't find the answer and know it's been asked before.
Having v2003 Office, I installed v2007 into a different folder and now
have both versions. But now I click on an XLS file and it naturally
opens in v2007, however, I want it to open in version 2003. In fact, I
want all my office files to still open in v2003 by default. I know I
can change each file association separately in Folder Options, but I
seem to remember that a command could be typed into the Run dialog box
to change all relevant file types to a particular version (i.e., XLS,
Can someone please provide me with the command if one exists or other

JoAnn Paules

You could try searching the archives.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Yes, at least I did it in the past. When working with versions, 2000,
2002, and 2003, a project required me to to develop and check files
running under each of these. Tired of manually opening them through
the program, I found a way to mass-change the associations to the
version of my choice, and this was done through a Run command. I got
the information from a group and it worked well. When switching from
one version to another, I could simply enter a run command and then
launching a file would open the appropriate program version I

This doesn't sound familiar to anyone here? Maybe it was from a
different group?

I know I've seen this posted before and I think the answer is that you
cannot assign the various types to a specific version of Word, Excel, etc.
(I could be wrong tho but I don't think so)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Sorry, I can't find the answer and know it's been asked before.
Having v2003 Office, I installed v2007 into a different folder and now
have both versions. But now I click on an XLS file and it naturally
opens in v2007, however, I want it to open in version 2003. In fact, I
want all my office files to still open in v2003 by default. I know I
can change each file association separately in Folder Options, but I
seem to remember that a command could be typed into the Run dialog box
to change all relevant file types to a particular version (i.e., XLS,
Can someone please provide me with the command if one exists or other


Thanks. I had already done that but no joy.

The PowerPoint group just now gave me this...

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\POWERPNT.EXE /regserver

.... with explanation here...

It's for PPT, but perhaps changing it will work for Excel and such.
It's a start anyway and there it is for anyone else now or in the
future who may need it.

You could try searching the archives.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Yes, at least I did it in the past. When working with versions, 2000,
2002, and 2003, a project required me to to develop and check files
running under each of these. Tired of manually opening them through
the program, I found a way to mass-change the associations to the
version of my choice, and this was done through a Run command. I got
the information from a group and it worked well. When switching from
one version to another, I could simply enter a run command and then
launching a file would open the appropriate program version I

This doesn't sound familiar to anyone here? Maybe it was from a
different group?

I know I've seen this posted before and I think the answer is that you
cannot assign the various types to a specific version of Word, Excel, etc.
(I could be wrong tho but I don't think so)

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

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