Hi to all
I am trying to change the names of all the files in a folder by putting a
new month and year at the end of each file name using the following code:
Name Dest & f As Dest & s
Then I tried:
Name f As s
It Didn´t work. then I tried:
Name f As Dir(Dest & s)
It didn´t work
The message keeps on saying that it cannot find the root directory access.
Any solutions or ideas? It would be appreciated.
I am trying to change the names of all the files in a folder by putting a
new month and year at the end of each file name using the following code:
It gets stuck in the following code:Dim f as String, s as String
Const Dest = "C:\Mis documentos\12 December 2005\"
f = dir(Dest & "*.*")
do while f <> ""
s = Mid(f, 1, (Len(f) - 9)) & _
Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) - 1, 1), "yyyy-mm")
Name Dest & f As Dest & s
f = dir()
Name Dest & f As Dest & s
Then I tried:
Name f As s
It Didn´t work. then I tried:
Name f As Dir(Dest & s)
It didn´t work
The message keeps on saying that it cannot find the root directory access.
Any solutions or ideas? It would be appreciated.