Change font color for all new text in a document



Is it possible to change the font color for all new text I'm about t
enter in a document. I need to edit a long document and want m
comments to be in red. Can this be done without Track Changes? If no
how can I do this with Track Changes?

After 6 hours of editing in red I'll need to change it to green.

Any help is much appreciated


Track Changes is ideal for this.
Tools, Options, Track Changes, if you want to change the colour assigned.
The default is a Word-assigned colour by different authors (usually different
machines) but you can change the colours to your own requirements.
Hope this helps

Amit Jain

Hello Dean,

I too was looking for a solution to the problem CypherBit mentioned. The
problem with using track changes is that it tracks everything. I want to
delete parts of the document and retain my comments. If I delete something I
just want it to disappear. I guess what I am saying is that the options for
track changes are not sufficient for what I need. If there was a way just to
note my comments in a different color it would be just right. I need this to
adapt an old document to something new that will have significant changes,
not minor changes. Track changes suffices for minor changes (and I use it
extensively for that) but becomes cumbersome if only the structure and some
information has to be preserved in the new document.



As you have seen from Shauna Kelly's website Track Changes can do many
wonderous things, but not what you want. It can even allow you to delete
things that you can then accept the change on an individual basis.

I had a chat with some of our Legal team at were I work and some of them use
a third-party software from and from my discussions MAY do
what you want, They are not too sure about this and as I have only had a
quick preview neither am I. Maybe give this a trial see if it does what you
want with less manual intervention than Word.

Come back with your findings, this will be of interest.
Best of luck

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