Change font size of header on every sheet?



Hi, I have several workbooks with over 50 worksheets. I have to change the
font size of the text in the headers to 14 points on every sheet. Is there a
quick way to do this with VBA? I tried doing it without VBA, by selecting
all the sheets at once and changing the font size, but of course this also
changed the text and made it the same as the text in the first sheet header.

Thanks in advance for any information.


The may be other formating besides Font size in your header. for eample

$D&10MyHeader &10 is font size 10

there are two fromats in the header. You have to strip out the 2nd
formating and replace with &14. Try this code

Sub Fix_Headers()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 5/12/2008 by jwarburg

For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = fixfont(.LeftHeader)
.CenterHeader = fixfont(.CenterHeader)
.RightHeader = fixfont(.RightHeader)
End With
Next sht
End Sub
Function fixfont(header)

fixfont = ""
Do While InStr(header, "&") > 0
If IsNumeric(Mid(header, 2, 1)) Then
'character after amphersand is a number
'check if the old font size is one or two digits
If IsNumeric(Mid(header, 3, 1)) Then
'old font is 2 digits
'remove old font size
header = Mid(header, 4)
'old font is 1 digits
'remove old font size
header = Mid(header, 3)
End If
fixfont = fixfont & "&14" & header
header = ""
'remove amphersand other formats
If InStr(2, header, "&") > 0 Then
'remove first format string
fixfont = Left(header, InStr(2, header, "&") - 1)
header = Mid(header, InStr(2, header, "&"))
'there are no more amphersand, add font
fixfont = fixfont & "&14" & header
End If
End If

End Function


Hi, Joel, thanks for your response. I tried your code and it worked for the
first worksheet but it didn't seem to change the font size for any of the


Hi, Joel, it worked! Thank you so much! :) You have just saved me so much

Thanks again! :)

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