change format from spanish to english



I can't seem to change the format on my microsoft from spanish to english and
it's driving me crazy. Please help!!! I've tried all the advise they've given
online. Plus, I don't know how to read spanish.

JoAnn Paules

The obvious question is why would you buy a Spanish version of Office if you
don't speak the language.

What advice have you tried?

Earle Horton

We need more specifics to be able to give a reasonable answer. "Format",
¿Qué quiere decir eso? "My Microsoft", ¿mi microsoft qué? "Format" seems
like the wrong word, but not being telepathic I can't really say.

If you have a Spanish version of Windows, well then you need to buy an
English version instead. Unless it is Vista Ultimate, then you can download
the English Language Interface Pack for it. Now if you are talking about a
Microsoft Office Program, and it is Office 2007, then you can download the
English Language Pack for Office 2007. This is the page for downloading an
English user interface and proofing tools for Office 2007. Simply choose
"English" from the "Select Language Pack" menu, press "Buy Now" and follow
the directions.

"Advise" is a verb. "Advice" is what you want.

Ryan Hamshire

Please clarify. Which product are you trying to change the language for, and
which version of it (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Office 2003, Office 2007?).

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