Change from portrait to landscape.


PJ Elson

Thought I'd give this one more try before I do hand-do ALL 500 SLIDES, one
by one!

I have an existing presentation that is in portrait orientation.
When I change over to landscape orientation, all of the
pictures on the slides become distorted and not to their
original proportions.

How can I get the pictures to remain the same size and
just the slide orientation change?


PTT, Inc.

If the pictures were inserted as the backgrounds of the slides, there is no
way around it. The one thing you could do is to open your presentation,
click "File", "Save as", select "jpg" as the file type. It will ask if you
want to save every slide. Then you could insert the JPGs onto new slides in
the new orientation.

One of the PowerPoint MVPs has a product that you can download a demo of
which will create a new presentation by importing a bunch of JPGs in a
folder (the ones you just created). The complete version is available there
as well. Well worth the price (sorry for the advertising)! Here is the

This is probably the fastest way to do what you want.

Bill Foley

PJ Elson

The pictures are already JPGs and were inserted one-by-one (as objects) on
the slides using the Insert->Picture->From File command.

Echo S

I'd probably still use Bill's suggestion to save out as images and
reimport using Shyam's Image Importer Wizard.

There are a couple of other ways to batch import, if you're interested.
(Although Shyam's is the most powerful.)

Or you could use the RnR PPTools. Reorient the page, resize one of the
images, then use the Hammer tool (on the PPTools free starter set) to
resize the rest. That will be slower
than an export as image and batch reimport, though.


Here's what I think....

If you have your files saved onto another drive then you
could open a new PPT file and choose page setup as
landscape and then insert the entire file into your new
landscape file. The pics should then not be distorted but
make sure when you adjust the pic size you adjust from the
corners only. This will make you have borders on the
sides but that just means you may have to add backgrounds
to your pics to clean them up a bit.

Hope this helps.

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