Change Imbedded graphics tag information



We have AutoCAD LT 2002 graphics imbedded (no link) into word and now are upgrading to AutoCAD LT 2004. Before we upgraded you could double click on the object (or right click on the object and go to ‘Drawing object – Edit’) and it opened AutoCAD LT where I could edit it, close it, and it would update the object in word. Since the upgrade when I right click on the object, where it said ‘Drawing object’, it says Unknown Object and won’t allow me to edit it. When I do a shift F9 on the object, it says ‘EMBED AutoCAD.Drawing.15’. When I do a shift F9 on a imbedded AutoCAD LT 2004 object, is says ‘EMBED AutoCAD LT.Drawing.16’. I don’t know if it tracks the path to the AutoCAD in the object, but these change between 2002 & 2004. From within AutoCAD 2004, I can open a 2002 .dwg drawing.

The Question now: Does anyone know what I can do to open the 2002 imbedded objects using 2004? What is the object model for a drawing object? Is the drawing object name & other data stored in the object properties? Could the properties be changed to what 2004 sets using VBA?



Sorry for incomplete post.
I'm using Word 2000 in Windows XP.
If no one has had any experience with this, could you tell me if the impedded object object & properties are exposed to VBA. If they are can you tell me what the object is, then I can go in and try to manipulate the properties and see if it will work.

Thanks Again

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