Change merge document based on condition


Hefe311 Jen


I have a merge letter that includes a table with merge fields in it. I
wanted to know if I could delete that table and add another table based on
one of the fields in my data source. Similar situations are in other
threads, but not where you actually replace a table with another table based
on a condition, so I'm not sure if this would even be possible.

Any ideas?

Peter Jamieson

Well, you wouldn't delete one table and add another, so much as use an IF
field to decide whether to use one chunk of text+fields+tables+anything else
rather than another.

e.g. if you normally want table A but when Mergefield X is "Y" you don't
want table A but you do want table B, you could use

"insert table B here"
"insert table A here" }

Hefe311 Jen

So do both tables print out on the document? From your reply it doesn't
sound like it, but I guess I'm confused as to where table B would hang out
until MERGEFIELD = "N".

Peter Jamieson

So do both tables print out on the document?

From your reply it doesn't
sound like it, but I guess I'm confused as to where table B would hang out
until MERGEFIELD = "N".

Think of it like this. If you have

before{ IF { MERGEFIELD X } = "Y" "A" "B" }after

then in your output, if X is "Y" you will see


(B isn't in the output)

and if X is not "Y" you will see


(A isn't in the output)

All you are really doing is putting a whole table instead of A and another
one instead of B. Generally speaking, any fields inside the table that is
displayed will be evaluated. However, do not assume that fields in B will
not be evaluated just because the results are thrown away - some field types
such as SEQ may in fact be executed. I don't know why.

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