Change numeric value to words



Is there any function (both vba or worksheet) I can use to change numeric
value to words? For example, it can tell 'one thousand and ten' for the
number 1010.


This is it!
It was in other language, so change and complete code to your language.

Option Explicit
Dim Idziesiatka

Function SLOWNIE(ByVal Numer)
Dim temps, tempd, tempj, zlote, grosze, Licznik, grd, grj, MiejsceDz,

If Numer = 0 Then
SLOWNIE = "zero $ zero "
Exit Function
End If

If Numer > 9999999999999.99 Or Numer < 0 Then
MsgBox "Function convert corectly only values between 0 to
SLOWNIE = "bad range"
Exit Function
End If

Numer = Trim(Str(Numer))
MiejsceDz = InStr(Numer, ".")

If MiejsceDz > 0 Then
grosze = Left(Mid(Numer, MiejsceDz + 1) & "00", 2)
grd = Dziesiatki(Right(grosze, 2))
If Idziesiatka <> 1 Then
grj = Jednostki(Right(grosze, 1))
End If
grosze = " " & grd & grj & "gr"
Numer = Trim(Left(Numer, MiejsceDz - 1))
grosze = " zero gr"
End If

If Numer <> "" Then
Licznik = 1
Do While Numer <> ""
temps = ""
tempd = ""
tempj = ""
temps = Setki(Right("000" & Numer, 3))
tempd = Dziesiatki(Right("00" & Numer, 2))
If Idziesiatka <> 1 Then
tempj = Jednostki(Right(Numer, 1))
End If

Select Case Licznik
Case 1: T_S = temps & tempd & tempj
Case 2: T_S = temps & tempd & tempj & KTys(Numer)
Case 3: T_S = temps & tempd & tempj & KMil(Numer, Licznik)
Case 4: T_S = temps & tempd & tempj & KMil(Numer, Licznik)
Case 5: T_S = temps & tempd & tempj & KMil(Numer, Licznik)
End Select
zlote = T_S & zlote

If Len(Numer) > 3 Then
Numer = Left(Numer, Len(Numer) - 3)
Licznik = Licznik + 1
Numer = ""
End If
zlote = "zero "
End If
SLOWNIE = zlote & "$" & grosze
End Function

Public Function KTys(ByVal Numer)
Dim tys
tys = Val(Right("000" & Numer, 3))
If tys = 0 Then
KTys = ""
tys = Val(Right(Numer, 2))
If tys = 1 Then
KTys = "tousend"
If tys = 12 Or tys = 13 Or tys = 14 Then
KTys = "s "
tys = Val(Right(Numer, 1))
Select Case tys
Case 2, 3, 4: KTys = "s "
Case Else: KTys = "s "
End Select
End If
End If
KTys = "thousand" & KTys
End If
End Function

Public Function KMil(ByVal Numer, L)
Dim mil
Dim RzadW(5) As String
RzadW(3) = "million"
RzadW(4) = "milliard"
RzadW(5) = "billion"
mil = Val(Right("000" & Numer, 3))
If mil = 0 Then
KMil = ""
mil = Val(Right(Numer, 2))
If mil = 1 Then
KMil = " "
If mil = 12 Or mil = 13 Or mil = 14 Then
KMil = "s "
mil = Val(Right(Numer, 1))
Select Case mil
Case 2, 3, 4: KMil = "s "
Case Else: KMil = "s "
End Select
End If
End If
KMil = RzadW(L) & KMil
End If
End Function

Public Function Setki(ByVal Numer)
Dim setka, wynik
setka = Val(Left(Numer, 1))
Select Case setka
Case 1: wynik = "houndred " '100
Case 2: wynik = "two houndred " '200
Case 3: wynik = " houndred " '300
Case 4: wynik = " houndred " '400
Case 5: wynik = " houndred " '500
Case 6: wynik = " houndred " '600
Case 7: wynik = " houndred " '700
Case 8: wynik = " houndred " '800
Case 9: wynik = " houndred " '900
End Select

Setki = wynik
End Function

Public Function Dziesiatki(ByVal Number)
Dim wynik
Idziesiatka = Val(Left(Number, 1))
If Idziesiatka = 1 Then

Select Case Val(Number)
Case 10: wynik = "ten "
Case 11: wynik = " "
Case 12: wynik = " "
Case 13: wynik = " "
Case 14: wynik = " "
Case 15: wynik = " "
Case 16: wynik = " "
Case 17: wynik = " "
Case 18: wynik = " "
Case 19: wynik = " "
End Select


Select Case Idziesiatka
Case 2: wynik = " " '20
Case 3: wynik = " " '30
Case 4: wynik = " " '40
Case 5: wynik = " " '50
Case 6: wynik = " " '60
Case 7: wynik = " " '70
Case 8: wynik = " " '80
Case 9: wynik = " " '90
End Select
End If

Dziesiatki = wynik

End Function

Public Function Jednostki(ByVal Numer)
Dim jedst, wynik
jedst = Val(Right(Numer, 1))
Select Case jedst
Case 1: wynik = "one "
Case 2: wynik = "two "
Case 3: wynik = " "
Case 4: wynik = " "
Case 5: wynik = " "
Case 6: wynik = " "
Case 7: wynik = " "
Case 8: wynik = " "
Case 9: wynik = " "
End Select
Jednostki = wynik
End Function

Tom Ogilvy

I did some tinkering with the code to insert "and" where necessary

You have to be careful with insertion of the word AND. For example saying

one hundered and thirty-five dollars is incorrect.

it should be one hundered thirty-five dollars

This is a fairly common error.

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