Change of behavior in Combo Box


Learning Excel

My Combo has people's name and it works as a dropdown list feeded form a cell.
Also as I change names uses vlookup to populate data already enter in
It was working well and all of the sudden today I opened it and it does this :
When I start writting, lets say names starting with letter " B " , as soon
as I
write the "B" it writes the first name on the list starting with "B", when
in fact
there are around 10 names starting with letter "B".
Then it jump to a regular cell ( by the way that's the only cell unlock, as
worksheet is protected and must have the link cell unprotected ).
Used to work fine as : if writting the letter "B" then I could keep writting
all choices are used in order for me to select the dropdown needed.
Please help, I tried everything and still has this weird behavior. Thanks

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