Change of content in equation


Chun Wee

Dear all,

I encountered a problem while using the equation editor 3 in the microsoft
words. When i try to edit an equation by double clicking the equation or
right click on the equation,sometimes the content in the equation will
suddenly change to that of another equation.

May i know why this is happening? How do i identify which equation have this
problem? How should i troublehoot this problem?

Is this problem because i switch between office 2003 and 2007? But i always
save in the 2003 version.

Thanks a lot
Chun Wee

Bob Mathews

I am not positive what is causing the problem, but I AM positive that
it is not caused by switching between Office 2003 and Office 2007. The
only thing I can think of that could cause the problem is perhaps your
method of inserting the equation into the document.

Take a look at the screen shots here:

IF the Equation Editor looks like the first screen shot (in-place
editing), then I don't have any suggestions on how to solve the

But IF the Equation Editor looks like the second screen shot (separate
window editing), then my guess is that you're opening Equation Editor,
creating the equation, copying it, then pasting it into the document.
If this is what you're doing, that's what's causing the problem. You
should create the equation and close Equation Editor each time.
Closing Equation Editor will insert the equation into the document
wherever your cursor was when you opened Equation Editor.

If this doesn't solve the problem, write back and let us know. Include
any additional information about how you're editing the document and
inserting equations.

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType
MathType, MathFlow, MathPlayer, MathDaisy, Equation Editor

Chun Wee

Sometimes when i am lazy, i will just push the ctrl keyboard button and drag
out an existing equation instead of going to the insert-->object-->equation
editor 3. Then, i will then change the content of this dragged out equation
to what i want. I use this a lot when creating diagrams like different shapes
(rectangles, circles etc.) attached with equations.

Is it possible that if i want to edit this particular equation the next time
by either the in-place or separate window editing method, the content changes
back to that of the original one?

Can the same thing of the content changing back to that of the original one
occurs if the equation is created not by dragging out, but by copying and
pasting the content of an existing equation into the document and changing
the content to what i wanted?

Thanks a lot
Chun Wee

Bob Mathews

I don't think either Ctrl+drag or copy/paste will result in the
behavior you're seeing, but I could be wrong about that. If the
equation is similar, you might try double-clicking it, then with
Equation Editor open, copy the contents, close Equation Editor, insert
a new equation wherever you want the new one, and paste in the
equation you copied. That's a lot of extra steps, but if it works, it
may be worth it.

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType
MathType, MathFlow, MathPlayer, MathDaisy, Equation Editor

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