change of data location



unable to macro, can anybody help please
I have bunch ofdata in Excel and want:
1- to insert an empty cell in Col G start from G4, (G4 content goes one cell
down etc) jump evrery 8 cell, (e.g. G12, G20 ,... up to G49181 as last cell.

2- copy data from T3 to G4, T12 to G13, T21 to G22 and continue by jumping
for both T and G as 9. Last cell to copy from is T49180 and copy to G49181.

Appreciate your help



The key to the solving your problem seems to be to select every 8th row;
insert row, select every eighth row again; copy values from row T.

1) This Microsoft code should get you started selecting rows:

Change RowsBetween = 3
To RowsBetween = 8

You will need to modify the code so it selects ranges for insert and copy as
you specify below. If you work with the selection range as a parameter, you
can re-use the same code for both part of the selection process. In other
words, the code will start as follows:

Sub SelectEveryNthRow(yourRange)
' any Dim statements
' Initialize ColsSelection equal to the number of columns in the
' selection.
' etc

2) Record a macro to cover insert row. If you record an insert for a single
cell (say G4) it will also work on non-contiguous multi-cell selection,
provided you only use the code specific to row insertion. For example, if
you happen to record Range("G4").select (or similar) delete this from the

3) To copy your values from column T (OTOMH and untested)

Sub CopyTvalsToG()
'use after selecting blanks in row G
'in the following -1 is previous row
' 13 is 13 columns across
selection.value = selection.offset(-1,13).value
End Sub

Note: The Microsoft code loops through cells and will be v-e-r-y s-l-o-w.
So, you will need to be very patient:-(
To speed things up a little, turn off screen updating and set calculations
to manual. After the code runs, turn screen updating back on and rest
calculations to previous value.

To speed up testing, work with a smaller range of test data.

Hopefully, you understand a little VBA coding and will be able to read what
the Microsoft code does as you step through its execution and look at the
result. If you do need help doing any of the above, please ask.

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