Change of Format



I am merging a word document with an Excel spreadsheet.
When I do this, the merged fields change to bold. They
are not bold in the original document of in the Excel
Spreadsheet. I would like the word document to retain its
orignal formatting.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Simon,

Is your Normal style in new documents formatted as bold, by
any chance?

Anyway, in Word...
- Alt+F9 to see the field codes
- Remove \* Mergeformat where ever you see it
- In its place, you want \* CharFormat
- and add \* CharFormat to all other fields, as well, if
they're appearing bold
- Example: { Mergefield Name \* CharFormat }
- Alt+F9 to hide the field codes
I am merging a word document with an Excel spreadsheet.
When I do this, the merged fields change to bold. They
are not bold in the original document of in the Excel
Spreadsheet. I would like the word document to retain its
orignal formatting.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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