I have a total of three Tables total but one is combining the two first
tables and adding more detail to the overall table.
T1. Account Groups:
Fields are- Auto #: Account Group:
1 Alpha
2 Bravo
3 Charlie
4 Delta
T2. Account Types:
Auto # Account Group: Account Type:
(This is a drop down (text box)
pulled from above table)
1 Alpha IT support
2 Charlie Pricing
3 Bravo Maintenance
4 Alpha Security
5 Delta Facility
6 Alpha Pricing
It sounds like you're another victim of Microsoft's misdesigned, misleading,
monstrous Lookup Field misfeature. See
for a critique. The Account Group in your T2 APPEARS to contain "Alpha" but it
does not; it actually contains 1 - a numeric link to T1's primary key.
T3. Main Account info.:
Auto #: Account Group: Account Type: Name:
Work location:
(Both are pulled from table 1 & table 2)
Alpha IT support Jeff Smith 1
2 Charlie Pricing Amy Jones 2
3 Bravo Maintenance Joe Backer 1
4 Alpha Security Mike Keller 1
5 Delta Facility Jan Johnson 2
6 Alpha IT support John Doe 1
Same applies. The Account Type is actually storing a number (e.g. you see
"Pricing" but what's stored is 6.
When I add a new person to my form and select ….Alpha from my Account Group
(drop down box) I would like my Account Type to only show those options that
fall under that Account Group. (Example: Alpha) (Result: Only the choices IT
support, Security & Pricing show up)
You can do this on a Form very easily. AFAIK you cannot do it in a table. Bind
a combo box to the Account Type field, based - not on your T3 - but on a Query
such as
SELECT [AccountTypeID], [Account Type] FROM T2 WHERE T2.[Account Group] =
Forms!YourFormName!YourFirstComboName ORDER BY [Account Type];
You'll need to adjust field and table names of course. You will also need to
Requery this combo box in the afterupdate event of the first combo.
I would also like to apply this to a multi selection search or filter form.
I hope this is enough information.
Well, a bit more info about what you mean by a "multi selection search or
filter form" would help. Multiselect listboxes can be used for searching but
it's a bit clumsy and requires some VBA code.