Change picture format to in-line with text


Stéfan Robert


I would like to convert a image that is floating above text to a
picture in-line with text.

I tried to find out how to this by recording a macro but word does not
let me select the "in-line with text" option, so I am not able to find
out how I can convert the picture to this.

Anyone know how this can be done?

Edward Thrashcort

The online help file gives an example for converting all floating pictures
to inline

For Each s In Documents("MyDoc.doc").Shapes
If s.Type = msoPicture or s.Type = msoInlinePicture Then
End If
Next s

I tried to implement ConvertToInlineShape some time ago but you will find
that it's shrouded in gotcha's where macros crash or simply end abruptly
Word's error trapping does not work properly with shapes.


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