Change printer icon to print current page only


Nadyne Nelson

I used to have a little VBA script that changed the
printer icon so that it printed only the current page as
the default instead of the entire document.

I upgraded to a newer version of Word and now I can't
locate that script. Can anyone help?


Nadyne Nelson
(e-mail address removed)

Charles Kenyon

Sub PrintCurrentPage()
' PrintCurrentPage Macro
' Macro recorded 05/26/00 by Charles Kyle Kenyon
Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintCurrentPage, Item:= _
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="",
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
Collate:=True, Background:=True, PrintToFile:=False
End Sub

You may not need all of that. It has the drawback of most recorded macros
that it saves things you may not need. OTH it has served me well for almost
four years through three versions of Word. I added a second printer icon to
my custom standard toolbar. I modified the icon to make it pink and put a
"1" floating next to the printer for the icon to do this. I have yet a third
printer icon that pulls up the print dialog box rather than printing the
entire document. I use all three about equally.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Nadyne Nelson

Charles, thanks for the help. That did create a macro but
how can I assign that macro to run when I click the
printer icon button? If I press that button, it still
prints the entire document, not just the current page.

I don't know how to 'add a button' or to 'modify a button'
but I'm willing to learn.


Nadyne Nelson
(e-mail address removed)

PS Can you give me the information for the Microsoft
newserver so I can access the groups through Outlook
Express? I know there is a separate newserver for MS and
I prefer viewing Newsgroups with OE and not the web.
Thanks again.
-----Original Message-----
Sub PrintCurrentPage()
' PrintCurrentPage Macro
' Macro recorded 05/26/00 by Charles Kyle Kenyon
Application.PrintOut FileName:="",
Range:=wdPrintCurrentPage, Item:= _

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