Change Project Summary Color



Hi all,

I've done this before, but just can't remember how.

All projects go through a defined life-cycle, i.e. Initiating, Planning,
Executing, etc. This is used to build our WBS. I would like to distinguish
each phase in the overall Project Summary with a different colour, while
still maintaining the progress line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Thanks for the prompt reply Faisal, but it does not answer my question.
To be more specific:
I want to subdivide the Overall Project Summary(Level 0) per phase. Each
phase has a colour representing the start to finish of this phase on the
Gantt chart.

Therefore when I roll up to the level 0, the overall project summary will
display 5 different colours, each color representing when a particular phase
starts and finishes.
I hope I have explained my query better.
Many thanks for any assistance.


Thanks for the prompt reply Faisal, but it does not answer my question.
To be more specific:
I want to subdivide the Overall Project Summary(Level 0) per phase. Each
phase has a colour representing the start to finish of this phase on the
Gantt chart.

Therefore when I roll up to the level 0, the overall project summary will
display 5 different colours, each color representing when a particular phase
starts and finishes.
I hope I have explained my query better.
Many thanks for any assistance.

Rod Gill

I'm not sure you can roll up a summary task to another summary task. You can
certainly roll up tasks to a parent summary, but there isn't the option in
the Task Information dialog to allow summary tasks to roll up to the next

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