Change PWA port settings



I have successfully installed Project Server 2007 with the default settings
on a stand-alone server. That said; is there an easy way to change the port
settings for PWA from port 80 to say port 8080?

I have an older application I need to install on the same server that must
run on port 80 for clients to access the application.



Needless to say I have tried deleting the web application and installing a
new web application on port 8080 using the same virtual directory creted by
the original install....provisioning of the site fails (ntauthority\network
service error creating PWA database files)

I have also changed the port settings within IIS for the specific site and
restarting IIS to no avail.


A523309 said:
Needless to say I have tried deleting the web application and installing a
new web application on port 8080 using the same virtual directory creted by
the original install....provisioning of the site fails (ntauthority\network
service error creating PWA database files)

I have also changed the port settings within IIS for the specific site and
restarting IIS to no avail.

Please post this to our sister newsgroup,
microsoft.public.project.server. This newsgroup is dedicated to the
stand alone version of Project.

Project MVP

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