Sandy: You are receiving the same information you did when you posted in
your other thread. Steve Easton had you use his FP Cleaner tool to clean
the cache and web files.
Starting a new thread really isn't going to help, as people will either
ignore you, or you'll receive the same information.
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
|I do know that the server is set up for FP Ext and my boss can publish this
| same site from his PC.
| Can you be more specific on where I will find these cache files? I
| you are right and would like to try this.
| BTW-I design lots of websites...will deleting these files cause any issues
| with my other clients sites?
| THANKS SO MUCH for helping!!
| "Funkadyleik Spynwhanker" wrote:
| > FTP vs. HTTP is a function of how the host set up the server. You may
| > be able to change this.
| >
| > Contact your host and ask them to install the FrontPage server
| > (which is what would be needed to do the switch).
| >
| > If you already know it is a FrontPage web, try clearing out all cache
| > deleting all .web files (FrontPage stores data there, including the
| > and perhaps the web type) and opening the web live first. (File, Open
| > Enter your web name, OK.)
| >
| > | > > How can I change the remote website properties when publishing from
| > > previously used ftp to now needing to use http? This website just
| > > change to http but always remembers the ftp settings! This is
| > > frustrating.
| > >
| > > I publish many many websites and never have ran into this issue since
| > > always just use http:// on the other sites and never have had to
change to
| > > another setting. PLEASE HELP!
| >
| >
| >