Change Reply to Recipient Address for an Action In an Email Message



I am using Outlook 2003 and in VBA have created code to do th

create a new message
add a hyperlink in the body
Add an Action Name
Send the message to a recipient

After the script is run, the new message is created and sent to th
recipient. The recipient clicks on the hyperlink in the body of th
message and opens a file.

The recipient is then to click on the "action name" and the messag
will be sent to another recipient (not to the original sender).

The original body of the message is to be included.

The problem with the script is as follows:

The original body of the message does not appear when the "action name
is clicked by the recipient.

I am not sure how to write the code to say that when the "action name
is clicked that the email message will be sent to another predefine
recipient, and not sent back to the originator of the email message.

If anyone can help be with this script it would be very muc

The script is as follows:

Sub Circulation()
Dim myOlApp As Application
Dim MyItem As MailItem
Dim myAction As Outlook.Action

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MyItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set myAction = MyItem.Actions.Add

MyItem.To = "Jo.Smith"
myAction.Name = "Send to Next Recipient"
myAction.ReplyStyle = olIncludeOriginalText
myAction.ResponseStyle = olOpen
MyItem.Subject = "Please Sign and Circulate the Project Technica
MyItem.HTMLBody = "Please sign the technical documents as per the lin
as follows and send to the next recipient" & "<br><br>" & "<a hre
='C:\Documents and Settings\Technical Document.pdf</a>"

End Sub


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