Change selection color



For excel 2007 - How can I change the cell/row/column selection color? The
default light blue/grey does not show up well.

Earl Kiosterud


Before you go to trouble to attempt to change the selection color, try messing with the
controls on your monitor. Try changing the brightness and contrast, and any other similar
controls you may have. Don't mess with the geometry controls (picture size, pincushion,
tilt, etc.). The selection color is quite visible normally -- quite dark enough. If that
doesn't pan out, go into the driver of your monitor and see if it has a gamma adjustment,
which might be set too high.

Earl Kiosterud

Note: Top-posting has been the norm here.
Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...

Bob Oxford

I need the answer to this question as well. It is not a monitor issue. I am
using a Laptop and the selection highlight in Excel 2003 is MUCH better than
the very light hightlight in Excel 2007 and I am using the same Laptop.

Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Bob Oxford

Peo Sjoblom

It is a known issue and it is by design, maybe they just didn't think about



Peo Sjoblom

Bob Oxford

Maybe..but I'd like to hear what Microsft has to say and if there might be a
workaround or a registry setting that could change this because it is enough
to make me go back to Excel 2003 and to not recommend this version to my
clients if it can't be fixed.


Bob Oxford

Peo Sjoblom

Then you should talk to MS, this is a newsgroup with volunteer users helping
other users
You won't get an answer from MS here



Peo Sjoblom

Bob Oxford

Well...Thank you for that piece of info. I thought I had posted this in a
different newsgroup. Really appreciate you taking the time.

Thank you

Gord Dibben


There is no newsgroup that is directed to and read by any MS people who would be
in a position to make the changes you'd like.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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