change size of tab control



I have set up a tab form and just need to know how to change size of tabs

The actual width of the tab is defined on the Format tab of the properties sheet
for the tab control. It is the "Tab Fixed Width" property.
hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
Please post to the NewsGroup so all may benefit.


Thanks ruralguy

RuralGuy said:
The actual width of the tab is defined on the Format tab of the properties sheet
for the tab control. It is the "Tab Fixed Width" property.
hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
Please post to the NewsGroup so all may benefit.


thank you, should of noticed that.

RuralGuy said:
The actual width of the tab is defined on the Format tab of the properties sheet
for the tab control. It is the "Tab Fixed Width" property.
hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
Please post to the NewsGroup so all may benefit.

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