Change size/position of side note generated by OneNote icon click


Tablet Convert

I want to change the default szie and screen position of the sidenote window
that appears when single clicking the OneNote icon in the notifcation area.

In the past, any time I changed the window size/position that had appeared
(before maximizing or closing it), such size/position had been the default
szie/position upon any subsequent clicking of the Icon.

However, this is no longer the case. I'm now getting, by default, a sidenote
window that extends top to bottom of screen on left side of screen and that
takes up approx 50% of horizontal width of screen. Repositioning it and
resizing it before closing it or maximizing it doesn't seem to affect the
'default' size/position that seems to be 'locked' whenever I next click for a

What can I do re: this? Thank you!

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