Change SSN to text



I've read the various messages about how to remove the "-" in a list of SSNs,
using the replace command, but I cannot get it to work. I have a list of
SSNs that I need to convert to a string......222-22-2222 needs to be
222222222. Can someone help me?

David Biddulph

Are you sure that the hyphens are there in a text string? Or is it a number
formatted as SSN?


If 222-22-2222 is in cell A1 the put this formula =SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-","")
in cell B1 and drag down.

Fred Smith

If you want to use the replace command, you do it as follows:
1. Highlight the cells you want to change
2. Click Edit>Replace...
3. Find what: - [the dash character]
4. Replace with: [don't enter anything here]
5. Click Replace All


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