change ten digits in a cell to include phone # formats


Judi Mason

I need to change a cell with ten digits to include the phone number format
characters. Not just in the "view", but in the actual cell. The cell needs
to be changed from "1234567890" to "(123) 456-7890", including the space
after the area code. I am importing an excel file of phone numbers and the
contents need to be exact. Any suggestions?

Gary Rowe

Assuming your number is in cell A1, enter the following formula in cell b1:
=TEXT(A1,"(000) 000-0000"), copy that formula to for other lines and then
copy/paste values and the result will be the text you're looking for.


Have you tried,
<Format> <Cells> <Number> tab,
And click on "Special", and choose "Phone Number"

Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!


Sorry, forgot to mention that if you use this formula and then do Copy >
PasteSpecial > Values, then you will get all the info in the cell without
just being "formatted", as you asked.............

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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