change text box based on result of sql query (count > 0)



What do I need to do to get something like the following to work:
Private Sub Form_Load()
IF (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [App Info] INNER JOIN [Class Info] ON [App
Info].[Soc Sec #]=[Class Info].[Soc Sec] WHERE [Class Info].[Class Name]
alike "Qual%") > 0 THEN
[Qual Class Text Box].Text = (SELECT [Class Info].[Class Date] FROM [App
Info] INNER JOIN [Class Info] ON [App Info].[Soc Sec #]=[Class Info].[Soc
Sec] WHERE [Class Info].[Class Name] alike "Qual%")
End Sub

Michel Walsh


You can try something like:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [App Info] INNER JOIN [Class Info] ON
[App Info].[Soc Sec #]=[Class Info].[Soc Sec] WHERE [Class Info].[Class
Name] like 'Qual%' "

Dim strSQL2= "SELECT [Class Info].[Class Date] FROM [App Info] INNER JOIN
[Class Info] ON [App Info].[Soc Sec #]=[Class Info].[Soc Sec] WHERE [Class
Info].[Class Name] like 'Qual%' "

If CurrentProject.Connection.Execute(strSQL).Fields(0).Value > 0 then
[Qual Class Text Box].Text =
End if

End Sub

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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