Change Text field (with numbers) DataType to Number


Michael Miller

How do I change a field of text datatype to number, long int datatype, where
all the values in the text field are numbers (within the range of long int)?

I have a field that I evidentally made a text field, which contains all
integer numbers, representing the ID codes for people, in a detail table.
The people table's id is Number/Long Integer.

When I tried to change the type in my detail table, it told me that "300
records -were- deleted" and if I wanted to proceed anyway. I said no and did
not save the table and kept the text field (and MS fooled me again, and I did
not lose that data).

I then tried a query to update the text field to a new, added, Temp field of
type number, long integer, but on View it showed no data being updated.

Michael Miller

Message to meself.
Looks like it was the "nut behind the wheel" that caused the problem.

I was trying to convert the wrong field. The field I tried was text as was
all the data and none of the data were numbers. They were all department

When I grabbed the correct field, it worked fine.

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