change the 7 day view to left-right instead top-bottom?


Anna C

I want to change the view for the 7 day week so that it goes from left to
right istead of top to bottom. Also if anyone knows how to add the weekday
names to the top of the calendar could you also let me know - i can only see
the date and not the actually dayname. Thanks

neo [mvp outlook]

Switch to 1 day view. Use your mouse on the calendar on the left and select
7 days. This should net you the column view on the right you want to see.
(By the way, you cant use the 7 days that are in the same week. For example
I selected Oct 10 thru Oct 16. This is enough to fool the logic in Outlook
not to switch to the built-in 7 day view but stay with the daily look.)

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