Change the Borders of all Tables (Macro)



Hello, I am about to go insane trying to figure this out. I want to change
the borders on all the Tables in one of my documents to the 'all' setting. I
tried selecting all of them and changing it through the tabs but it only
changes the first one highlighted.

I'm not a programmer and I only know how to make Macros by recording them,
but does anyone know how to make a Macro to permenently give all the tables
in the document borders? Or if there is a command I don't see? Just the
default style 1/2 point 'All' border.

Thank you!

Lene Fredborg

The macro below should do what you want.

Sub ApplyBordersToAllTables()

Dim oTable As Table
Dim oBorderStyle As WdLineStyle
Dim oBorderWidth As WdLineWidth
Dim oBorderColor As WdColor
Dim n As Long 'used to count tables for message
Dim i As Long 'used with array
Dim oArray As Variant

'Change the values below to apply other borders
oBorderStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
oBorderWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
oBorderColor = wdColorBlack

'Define array with the borders to be changed
'Diagonal borders not included here
oArray = Array(wdBorderTop, _
wdBorderLeft, _
wdBorderBottom, _
wdBorderRight, _
wdBorderHorizontal, _

For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
n = n + 1
With oTable
For i = LBound(oArray) To UBound(oArray)
With .Borders(oArray(i))
.LineStyle = oBorderStyle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
.Color = wdColorBlack
End With
Next i
End With
Next oTable

MsgBox "Finished applying borders to " & n & " tables."
End Sub

If you need help on installing macros, see:

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Lene Fredborg

Ooops. A correction to my first post - in the macro, in the "For i" loop,
replace the following two lines :

..LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
..Color = wdColorBlack

with these lines:

..LineWidth = oBorderWidth
..Color = oBorderColor

The macro works OK but the idea was that you should be able just to correct
the values in top of the macro in order to apply another border style, width
and color (I forgot to correct the values after a copy-paste…).

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Thank you! That does help indeed, quite more then I hoped. Now I can get back
to work on this. Thanks again!

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