Change the default Font and size in a network environment



Dear people,

I’m an administrator of a network with over 300 workstations. Our company
has decided that the default font has to be Arial 10 pt from now on. Where
the default font was Times new Roman 12 Pt. So I have to change the default
font on over 300 computers in our network. Is there an easy way of doing
this? I was thinking about replacing the but are there more
settings involved with this file.

I would like to do this by using a GPO but I couldn't find anything about

Please help me to save me a lot of work.

With Kind regards.


Graham Mayor

Provide a shared document template (or templates) set-up as you want and
instruct users to create their documents from that.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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This is not what I mean. Our users are not to clever as I may say. It has to
be an solution where there is no action required from the end users.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Thony
This is not what I mean. Our users are not to clever as I may say. It has to
be an solution where there is no action required from the end users.

you either setup a template once, and instruct your users: not so much
work, and your users get smarter.

Or you force a on all your users. You don't gain much
(because, when a user wants another font or size, he'll get it anyway),
and your users don't get smarter in using Word. And it's probably more
work for you that way.

You do the choosing. :)


Graham Mayor

You did ask for an easy way. Templates are easily the best way to enforce
company standards. The alternative is to update 300 PCs!

If you have setup your network for users to share a startup folder then you
could create a global add-in for this folder containing the macro

Sub AutoExec()
Dim sTemp As Document
Dim sPath As String
sPath = NormalTemplate.Path
MsgBox sPath
ChangeFileOpenDirectory sPath
Set sTemp = Documents.Open(FileName:="")
With sTemp.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
End With
sTemp.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges
End Sub

This will reset the normal template to Arial 10 point whenever Word is
started, but it would irritate the hell out of me :(

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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