I used to be able to insert a photo in word and with a sliding bar adjust
the transparency of the photo. That way i could write over the top of it or
place other images over the fist one and decide how much of the bottom photo
showed through. It was under the advanced tab with the text wrapping
options. I can't seem to find this same option in 2007. All i've found is a
"recolor" tab which lets me make only a single color of a photo transparent,
and there is no adjustment to the amount of this transparency. Any
the transparency of the photo. That way i could write over the top of it or
place other images over the fist one and decide how much of the bottom photo
showed through. It was under the advanced tab with the text wrapping
options. I can't seem to find this same option in 2007. All i've found is a
"recolor" tab which lets me make only a single color of a photo transparent,
and there is no adjustment to the amount of this transparency. Any