Change the value of particular cells in a Named Range



I have a named range that I Set as an object. The range is made up of 3
cells all on the same row. Can I change the value of the first, second, and
third cell of that named range? For example,

Private Sub TestRange()

Dim rngEngineering As Range

With Sheets("Global Schedule")
' Engineering
If chkEngineering = True Then
Set rngEngineering = .Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "T"),
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "V"))
.rngEngineering(1) = dtpEngineering
.rngEngineering(2) = tbxEngineeringEstHrs.Text ' use .Text to
avoid cell error: Number Stored as Text
.rngEngineering(3) = tbxEngineeringActHrs.Text ' use .Text to
avoid cell error: Number Stored as Text
' change font color to black if not done, grey if done
If chkEngineeringDone = True Then
.rngEngineering.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.rngEngineering.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
.rngEngineering.ClearContents ' remove from schedule if false
End If
End With

Don Guillett

Tough to test but try adding a couple of dots

Set rngEngineering = .Range(.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "T"), _
.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "V"))


See an example below:

Sub CellsCollection()

Dim r As Range

Set r = Range("A1:D1")
With r
.Cells(1) = 1
.Cells(2) = 2
.Cells(3) = 3
.Cells(4) = 4
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Italic = True
.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
MsgBox "Address: " & .Address & vbCrLf _
& "Cells: " & .Cells.Count & vbCrLf _
& "Rows: " & .Rows.Count & vbCrLf _
& "Columns: " & .Columns.Count

End With

End Sub


Ο χÏήστης "Don Guillett" έγγÏαψε:
Tough to test but try adding a couple of dots

Set rngEngineering = .Range(.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "T"), _
.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "V"))

Dave Peterson

Another way to address that range:

Set rngEngineering = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("t1:v1")

And since you're using Activecell and "with sheets("global schedule")", you'll
want to make sure that that sheet is the activesheet.

or just use "with activesheet"????

Rick Rothstein

Remove the "dots" from in front of the .rngEngineering(1),
..rngEngineering(2), etc... rngEngineering doesn't "belong" to the
Worksheet... it is an object created in memory that is assigned a reference
from an object on the worksheet. With that in mind, I would add "dots" in
front of your Cells property calls in the Set assignment statement as Don
indicated in his post (probably not required for where I think you have your
code located, but always a good practice to follow).


Thanks for all the tips! Got it too work just fine. And of course like
always I have a follow up question:

This code is located in a CommandButton_Click event. I have to copy and
change the following code for all 17 departments we have.

' Graphics Production
Set rngDept = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkGraphProd = True Then
With rngDept
.Cells(1) = dtpGraphProd
.Cells(2) = tbxGraphProdEstHrs.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxGraphProdActHrs.Text
If chkGraphProdDone = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

Is there a way to loop through all the different departments? I have a
CheckBox1, DTPicker, CheckBox2, TextBox1 and TextBox2 for each dept. Each
controls name is the same except the "Dept" part. So I guess I would need a
way to insert the dept name each loop. Is this possible? Or would it be
better to create a collection of 17 Checkboxs, then another collection for 17
DTPickers, and so on. Then use this CollectionName.Item(i) in a For...Next

' Dept Name
' each dept has 3 Columns, 1 for a date, 2 for text, 3 for text
' rngDeptRange would need to shift 3 Columns to the right each loop
Set rngDeptRange = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkDeptCheckBox1 = True Then
With rngDeptRange
.Cells(1) = dtpDeptDTPicker
.Cells(2) = tbxDeptTextBox1.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxDeptTextBox2.Text
If chkDeptCheckBox2 = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

Rick Rothstein said:
Remove the "dots" from in front of the .rngEngineering(1),
..rngEngineering(2), etc... rngEngineering doesn't "belong" to the
Worksheet... it is an object created in memory that is assigned a reference
from an object on the worksheet. With that in mind, I would add "dots" in
front of your Cells property calls in the Set assignment statement as Don
indicated in his post (probably not required for where I think you have your
code located, but always a good practice to follow).

Rick Rothstein

I'm not 100% sure of your layout here, but you can use the Controls
collection to address individual controls by their string names. For

DeptName = "GraphProd"
..Cells(2) = Me.Controls("tbx" & DeptName & "EstHrs").Text

will assign the contents of the tbxGraphProdEstHrs TextBox to .Cells(2). In
a similar manner...

DeptName = "Engineering"
..Cells(2) = Me.Controls("tbx" & DeptName & "EstHrs").Text

will do the same for the tbxEngineeringEstHrs TextBox. You could store your
department names in an array and loop the array (using the array element for
the loop counter in place of the DeptName variable I used above.

Does that lead you in a direction you can make use of?

Rick (MVP - Excel)

RyanH said:
Thanks for all the tips! Got it too work just fine. And of course like
always I have a follow up question:

This code is located in a CommandButton_Click event. I have to copy and
change the following code for all 17 departments we have.

' Graphics Production
Set rngDept = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkGraphProd = True Then
With rngDept
.Cells(1) = dtpGraphProd
.Cells(2) = tbxGraphProdEstHrs.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxGraphProdActHrs.Text
If chkGraphProdDone = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

Is there a way to loop through all the different departments? I have a
CheckBox1, DTPicker, CheckBox2, TextBox1 and TextBox2 for each dept. Each
controls name is the same except the "Dept" part. So I guess I would need
way to insert the dept name each loop. Is this possible? Or would it be
better to create a collection of 17 Checkboxs, then another collection for
DTPickers, and so on. Then use this CollectionName.Item(i) in a

' Dept Name
' each dept has 3 Columns, 1 for a date, 2 for text, 3 for text
' rngDeptRange would need to shift 3 Columns to the right each loop
Set rngDeptRange = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkDeptCheckBox1 = True Then
With rngDeptRange
.Cells(1) = dtpDeptDTPicker
.Cells(2) = tbxDeptTextBox1.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxDeptTextBox2.Text
If chkDeptCheckBox2 = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

Dave Peterson

If I understand...

Dim myPrefixes as variant
Dim myAddresses as variant
dim myRng as range
dim pCtr as long

myprefixes = array("Dept", "Graph") 'and keep going
'dept, graph
myaddresses = array("A1:C1","x1:z1") 'and keep going

If ubound(myaddresses) <> ubound(myprefixes) then
msgbox "Design error!!!!"
exit sub
end if

for pctr = lbound(myprefixes) to ubound(myprefixes)
set myrng = activecell.entirerow.range(myaddresses(pctr))
if me.controls("chk" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prod").value = true then
with myrng
.cells(1) = me.controls("dtp" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prod").value
.cells(2) = me.controls("tbx" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prodesthrs).text

(Untested, uncompiled--watch for typos.)

Since each department is laid out the same (3 columns wide, no gaps), you don't
actually have to specify each range.

You could use:

Dim myPrefixes as variant
dim myRng as range
dim pCtr as long

myprefixes = array("Dept", "Graph") 'and keep going

If ubound(myaddresses) <> ubound(myprefixes) then
msgbox "Design error!!!!"
exit sub
end if

'whereever it starts
Set myrng = activecell.entirerow.range("a1").resize(1,3)

for pctr = lbound(myprefixes) to ubound(myprefixes)
if me.controls("chk" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prod").value = true then
with myrng
.cells(1) = me.controls("dtp" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prod").value
.cells(2) = me.controls("tbx" & myprefixes(pctr) & "prodesthrs).text

end if

'get ready for next time...
set myrng = myrng.offset(0,3)
next pctr

Thanks for all the tips! Got it too work just fine. And of course like
always I have a follow up question:

This code is located in a CommandButton_Click event. I have to copy and
change the following code for all 17 departments we have.

' Graphics Production
Set rngDept = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkGraphProd = True Then
With rngDept
.Cells(1) = dtpGraphProd
.Cells(2) = tbxGraphProdEstHrs.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxGraphProdActHrs.Text
If chkGraphProdDone = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

Is there a way to loop through all the different departments? I have a
CheckBox1, DTPicker, CheckBox2, TextBox1 and TextBox2 for each dept. Each
controls name is the same except the "Dept" part. So I guess I would need a
way to insert the dept name each loop. Is this possible? Or would it be
better to create a collection of 17 Checkboxs, then another collection for 17
DTPickers, and so on. Then use this CollectionName.Item(i) in a For...Next

' Dept Name
' each dept has 3 Columns, 1 for a date, 2 for text, 3 for text
' rngDeptRange would need to shift 3 Columns to the right each loop
Set rngDeptRange = ActiveCell.EntireRow.Range("A1:C1")
If chkDeptCheckBox1 = True Then
With rngDeptRange
.Cells(1) = dtpDeptDTPicker
.Cells(2) = tbxDeptTextBox1.Text
.Cells(3) = tbxDeptTextBox2.Text
If chkDeptCheckBox2 = True Then
.Font.ColorIndex = 15
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
End With
End If

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