You want to keep the formula unchanged, but get a different result. That's funny.
Yeah, bad wording on my part ... <g> but I think you get the idea,
nonetheless. What I meant was the basics of the formula, of course.
I've found recently that if I don't say that I need to not take out
elements but just to add what is needed, that the suggested formulas
gets changed drastically from the original and the conditions aren't
then all met. I just didn't word it right ... typing messages in the
mornings while trying to hurry to work do that sometimes. Hope it
gave a bit of a laugh said:
Here is what I might do...
Format the cell as: ddd.mmmm.dd.yyyy
Thanks. Woops, drat. See? That's exactly what I mean ... <g> I'm
not handy with formulas, but I'll have to see how to add back in my
special date formatting <sigh>. Well, though it'll probably take me
tons more time than you guys. (That's what I meant by keeping things
the same that don't need changing but just to add the additional
condition to avoid weekend days


(Coming back to this in same message ...) Going to try the following
below, which was just simply copy/pasting in the bit above to the
conditions part of the formula. Simple copy/pasting from one formula
to another doesn't always work but maybe this time I'll get lucky <g>:
& TEXT(TODAY()+1,"\.mmm.dd.yyyy")