Kevin Porter
The following code worked great to see if a name was in a list, if it did not
then it deleted the column and the one after it. However, the PTB's have
added 2 additional columns that now need to be deleted. Basically, if the
name is not in the list then delete that column and the next 3. what should
I change to this code to make it do that? It would be easier to change this
code as opposed to change the way my other modules deal with the page after
it is created.
Sub ShreveportNameDelete()
Dim i As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
With Sheets("Shreveport")
lastCol = .Cells(1, "IV").End(xlToLeft).Column
For i = lastCol To 1 Step -1
If Len(Trim(.Cells(1, i))) <> 0 Then
If Application.CountIf(Workbooks("Employee List for
Payroll1").Worksheets("List").Columns(2), .Cells(1, i)) = 0 Then
.Columns(i).Delete .Columns(i + 1).Delete
End If
End If
End With
If Sheets("Shreveport").Cells(5, 1) = "Total" Then
End If
End Sub
then it deleted the column and the one after it. However, the PTB's have
added 2 additional columns that now need to be deleted. Basically, if the
name is not in the list then delete that column and the next 3. what should
I change to this code to make it do that? It would be easier to change this
code as opposed to change the way my other modules deal with the page after
it is created.
Sub ShreveportNameDelete()
Dim i As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
With Sheets("Shreveport")
lastCol = .Cells(1, "IV").End(xlToLeft).Column
For i = lastCol To 1 Step -1
If Len(Trim(.Cells(1, i))) <> 0 Then
If Application.CountIf(Workbooks("Employee List for
Payroll1").Worksheets("List").Columns(2), .Cells(1, i)) = 0 Then
.Columns(i).Delete .Columns(i + 1).Delete
End If
End If
End With
If Sheets("Shreveport").Cells(5, 1) = "Total" Then
End If
End Sub