Change Word's default search engine



Is it possible to change Word's default search engine from
to some other engine that I specify?

Is this the right group to ask this question? I tried searching and
couldn't find anything about it.

Cindy M.

Hi RobG,
Is it possible to change Word's default search engine from
to some other engine that I specify?

Is this the right group to ask this question? I tried searching and
couldn't find anything about it.
Where are you seeing this? Which version of Word?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Cindy said:
Hi RobG,

Where are you seeing this? Which version of Word?

I'm using Office 2003 on Windows XP (I don't know which version of Word
that is). On the web toolbar, there's a search icon that, when
clicked, opens the default browser at I'd like to change it
to Google (or whatever I may choose in the future). The one in
Office:Mac (Word 2004) goes to, so it seems it should be
configurable but I don't know where to do it.

As a related issue, I'd like to stop the web tool bar from appearing
when I use ctrl+click to follow links (it's a stupidly annoying
setting, I'd love to know how to turn it off). At the moment I have
the web toolbar enabled but have removed all the buttons except for the
search button, which to me is the only one of any use. That way when I
follow links (say use a table of contents to navigate to some part of
the document) my toolbar layout doesn't get modified by the addition of
the web toolbar.

Daiya Mitchell


Incidentally, that page has many CSS errors and doesn't display at all
in Safari. Firefox 2.0 manages to show a useful image though.

Hit refresh a few times in Safari, Safari has a bug that stops the last
frame content from getting loaded right off.

The site might be older than CSS, for all I know--it was developed many many
years ago, it has *hundreds* of articles, and 1 or 2 *volunteers* maintain
it. Feel free to offer your time to help convert it to a more modern style.

If you are on a Mac, you may like to know that there are also Mac-specific
See here for Google/Entourage gateway to newsgroups for MacWord, MacExcel,
and other MS programs for the Mac:


Daiya said:
Hit refresh a few times in Safari, Safari has a bug that stops the last
frame content from getting loaded right off.

The site might be older than CSS, for all I know--it was developed many many
years ago, it has *hundreds* of articles, and 1 or 2 *volunteers* maintain
it. Feel free to offer your time to help convert it to a more modern style.

They use CSS so they should ensure their style sheets are valid, or at
least don't generate basic syntax errors. The ones that I checked
claim to have been generated in MS FrontPage 4.0 - enough said? :)

The Mac section of the site validates beautifully - I'll certainly be
using it in future.
If you are on a Mac, you may like to know that there are also Mac-specific
See here for Google/Entourage gateway to newsgroups for MacWord, MacExcel,
and other MS programs for the Mac:

Thanks, that lead me to this tip (which isn't Mac specific) posted by
John McGhie:

"I would simply put a hyperlink to Google on the toolbar and copy
the icon onto it, then remove the original Icon :) "

Works like a charm! I can even inlcude a link to my favourite news

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