Change working time



I am trying to do what ifs on the working time needed to complete a number of
tasks (which can all be done immediately - no dependencies). I have set the
tasks as "Fixed Work" and the total work is 1720 hours. With one resource on
a 5 day, 8 hour per day calendar with no holidays, I get the expected 215
days duration when I level for the one resource (1720 divided by 8). I want
to set the availability to be 10 hour days, then 12 hour days, then 8 hour
with a 6 day work week, 10 hours with a 6 day work week and finally 12 hours
with a 6 day work week. When I go to set the 10 hours (change working time,
Options, Default Start time I set to 7:00 am and end time to 6 pm and I also
set the workweek default to match. However, I have noticed that when I go
right back into the Change working time, the 7 am held, but the 6 pm doesn't,
it has returned to 5 pm. When I level I get 192 working days (9 hours per
day). What gives?


Yep, that worked. I wondered when I would hit "OK" before, the box would not
close until I hit it a second time. When I do the "return" and then OK, the
6 pm time holds. Much thanks.

Steve House

Setting the Tools, Options, Calendar, Default Start Time or Default End Time
fields DOES NOT change the workday times. To do that, you need to go to the
Tools, ChangeWorkingTime menu and revise the calendars there. The options
page fields you changed control the times that Project assumes should be
added whenever you manually type a start or end date and do not include a
specific time in your entry and that's all they do - they don't set working
times in any way, shape, or manner. Similarly, changing the workweek hours
on that page only changes the conversion factor used to convert a duration
entry made in "weeks" into the actual duration unit Project always uses
internally, namely minutes. Also, leveling a resource does not distribute
their work over a task's duration - leveling operates when two or more tasks
are scheduled for one resource at the same time resulting in his being
booked to do more work in a period of time than he is able, effectively
booked to be in two different places at the same time. Leveling will then
delay one of those tasks so it doesn't start until after the resource is
free'd up from the conflicting task.

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