changed domain name - problem



Some of our users now have new domain names due to merging with another
company. The same domain, but another name for sync with accounts in other

I manually changed - Edit User - User logon account: to a new one.

How to do it automatically, if we have lots of such users in the future.
I started AD sync, but I see that this user is inactive in Project Server.
When I try to change to Active and seve it says - "The NT account specified
is invalid. Check the spelling of the user name, verify that a valid domain
name was included, and check that a duplicate domain was not used."

Ray McCoppin

I have done this for a couple large clients. There are three steps to making
this work.

1. Change the WSS or Sharepoint domain for the Project Server collection.
Use the comand STSADM.exe - migrateuser -oldlogin <Doman\name> -newlogin
<DOMAIN\name>. You could also write custom code to update the NT account
using spUser.Update

2. Update the domain account in the Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP). You can
do this using PWA or Project Pro to edit the users. It is also possible to
write custom code to do this using the PSI Resource Web Service
SetResourceAuthorization method.

3. Rebuild the reporting database meta data.

Hope this helps

Ray McCoppin
Project Server 2007 Automation Web Service
Project Server 2007 Archive Tool


Does it means that only by AD sync these changes can't be applyed?

I need the list of users with changed domain names and act according to your
instructions below?
Is that right?

Ray McCoppin

AD Sync will not change the NT Domain Account, this is the key field that AD
sync uses to get the data for users.

That is correct you will need a list of users that there domain has changed.

Hope this helps

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