ChangeFileOpenDirectory Problem



I am using Windows XP (sp2). Word 2002 (sp3)

I am trying to open a particular directory within VBA using With
Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture) command. For some reason, it does not want to
work correctly.
Everything is Dim'd correctly and the DirName string populates correctly.
Here's my code: Please Help.

DirName = PhotoDir & ChemName & "\"
ChangeFileOpenDirectory DirName
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:="" + vbTab
Selection.TypeText Text:="" + vbTab
VPRP = Selection.Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage)
HPRP = Selection.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage)
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture)
If .Display = 0 Then
Exit Sub
PhotoFile = .Name
End If
End With

Dave Lett

Hi RW,

wdDialogInsertPicture is not the FileOpen dialog; therefore,
ChangeFileOpenDirectory does _not_ affect what you're doing with the
wdDialogInsertPicture dialog. Try this instead:

Dim sDefault As String
Dim sDirName As String
sDirName = "C:\Test\"
'''store the default path
sDefault = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath)
'''change the default path
Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath) = sDirName
'''show the dialog box
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture)
End With
'''reset to the default path
Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath) = sDefault



Thanks! That worked.


Dave Lett said:
Hi RW,

wdDialogInsertPicture is not the FileOpen dialog; therefore,
ChangeFileOpenDirectory does _not_ affect what you're doing with the
wdDialogInsertPicture dialog. Try this instead:

Dim sDefault As String
Dim sDirName As String
sDirName = "C:\Test\"
'''store the default path
sDefault = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath)
'''change the default path
Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath) = sDirName
'''show the dialog box
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture)
End With
'''reset to the default path
Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath) = sDefault


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