Changes in FP to Expression Web Designer



What are the main compenents of Front Page that will not be in Expression Web
Designer? i.e.; navigation?, etc.

Cheryl D Wise

As Steve said what will or will not be in the release version is not yet
know. We expect to know more when the next CTP is released but for now all
we know is Microsoft has said in some of the posts Tom referred to in the
microsoft.public.expression.webdesigner newsgroup.

Posts not long after the initial CTP release in May said that there would be
no webbot support for adding (or maintaining) FrontPage webbots in
Expression Web Designer. At some point during the beta or at release
migration tools to ease the pain of moving from bots to replacements should
appear but specifics are completely unknown.

Cheryl D Wise
FrontPage MVP
Online Instructor led training at
Next session starts Aug 20,2006 offers classes in CSS and Expression Web

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