Changes to BE db



Having developed my application db and split it, put the BE on the works
server and distributed the FE to my colleagues, I now need to make changes to
the BE. I know that I can easily change the front end, make it an MDE and
then re-link to the back end. However, I'm not sure of the accepted procedure
for the BE changes. Can I simply add my new tables to the BE db and then
having created a new FE with forms for the new tables simply link to the new
BE? Or do I have to re-create the whole application then split it again and
so on as before? I appreciate it's probably bad form to have to change the
back end but this is very much a work in progress that realies on my users
input to improve the app.

Thanks for your help.

Tony Toews

Ian said:
I appreciate it's probably bad form to have to change the
back end but this is very much a work in progress that realies on my users
input to improve the app.

Who saids it's bad form to change the back end? If so that's
complete and utter rubbish.

We are always making changes to the backend tables, indexes or
relationships to add new functionality. Quite often every few days.

I could spend days and days with the users nailing down every last
possible bit of functionality they require. Then writing up gobs and
gobs of paperwork and flow charts and present to them in meetings
where everyone is falling asleep and bored out of their skull.

Or I can get it 90% right, show them what it looks like and get the
other 10% right.

And they're still going to come to me in a few days or a week and ask
me for something else.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Thanks for your comments, you give me confidence in what I'm doing as a
"non-expert" developer.


Tony Toews

Ian said:
Thanks for your comments, you give me confidence in what I'm doing as a
"non-expert" developer.

You're quite welcome. For my official thoughts see Ultra Frequent
Application Deployment

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

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