Changes won't publish FP2000



I changed our contact info, hyperlink e-mail addresses on my website in Front
Page 2000. When I published, it changed all but two e-mail addresses on the
Home Page. When I try to modified/change the web information on that home
page and re-published my website, the server says it is updated and
published, but nothing has changed on the Home Page no matter what informatio
I add, or delete over the Internet.... So I went into MY Admin server
location, file manager, and changed the two problems on the sever through the
root/html for my home page, and changed the html, and it worked. Problem is,
I still have this website on my Front Page 2000 in my old computer, that does
not make the changes and has old information? Can it be corrected? Or, can I
move this one website in my Front Page 2000 to a CD, and then be able to
import this CD into a just installed Front Page 2000 version on my new
computer? Would that fix the FrontPage problem? If I try this, and the
process fails, how do I remove the failed web site from my new computer in
Front Page 2000 and start over?


You might get a better and quicker answer if you posted this in a FrontPage


David Bartosik

If you take another look at the list of Office Products in the Community
groups menu you will see FrontPage up there near the top of the list. That is
the product group you need to address since you are using FrontPage not

I can tell you to be sure you check common sense things, like clearing your
browser cache or viewing the page on another machine, to verify you aren't
viewing a cached page, and if you are using shared borders in FP make sure
you are uploading the changed objects.

Check for common sense items. And post to the correct product forum.

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