I changed our contact info, hyperlink e-mail addresses on my website in Front
Page 2000. When I published, it changed all but two e-mail addresses on the
Home Page. When I try to modified/change the web information on that home
page and re-published my website, the server says it is updated and
published, but nothing has changed on the Home Page no matter what informatio
I add, or delete over the Internet.... So I went into MY Admin server
location, file manager, and changed the two problems on the sever through the
root/html for my home page, and changed the html, and it worked. Problem is,
I still have this website on my Front Page 2000 in my old computer, that does
not make the changes and has old information? Can it be corrected? Or, can I
move this one website in my Front Page 2000 to a CD, and then be able to
import this CD into a just installed Front Page 2000 version on my new
computer? Would that fix the FrontPage problem? If I try this, and the
process fails, how do I remove the failed web site from my new computer in
Front Page 2000 and start over?
Page 2000. When I published, it changed all but two e-mail addresses on the
Home Page. When I try to modified/change the web information on that home
page and re-published my website, the server says it is updated and
published, but nothing has changed on the Home Page no matter what informatio
I add, or delete over the Internet.... So I went into MY Admin server
location, file manager, and changed the two problems on the sever through the
root/html for my home page, and changed the html, and it worked. Problem is,
I still have this website on my Front Page 2000 in my old computer, that does
not make the changes and has old information? Can it be corrected? Or, can I
move this one website in my Front Page 2000 to a CD, and then be able to
import this CD into a just installed Front Page 2000 version on my new
computer? Would that fix the FrontPage problem? If I try this, and the
process fails, how do I remove the failed web site from my new computer in
Front Page 2000 and start over?