Changing a profile on Microsoft Outlook 2003



I set up two profiles through the control panel and directed Outlook to
prompt me for which profile to use each time it was opened. But now it skips
the prompt and goes straight to one of the profiles. I need to restore that
prompt, but it won't respond to the instructions in the control panel Mail
dialogue box

Oliver Vukovics

Hi Chris,

did you get the same behavior after a restart of the computer?

You could try "Sart/run/fixmapi.exe" (you don´t get any confirmation
message) and restart the computer again.

If this wouldn´t wotk, I would create a 3rd (test) profile. Maybe Outlook
don´t notice/recognize the first new created profile

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Chris said:
I set up two profiles through the control panel and directed Outlook
to prompt me for which profile to use each time it was opened. But
now it skips the prompt and goes straight to one of the profiles. I
need to restore that prompt, but it won't respond to the instructions
in the control panel Mail dialogue box

Sounds like Outlook isn't closing properly, if this works the first time you
start OL and not subsequently. Check task manager to see if outlook.exe is
still running, when you think it shouldn't be. Handheld sync software, fax
software, etc., can cause this problem.


While creating the profile make sure ypu select propt for a profile to
be used.
if the option is checked then run a scanpst.exe on all pst files.


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