I have a database which tracks student offenses. Part of
the data collected includes data which changes (year in
school, major)as well as constant data (id, gender). All
the student related data is included in a "Violation"
table not in a separate student table because I could not
find a way to keep the "picture in time" data from
changing if the student had subsequent offenses - you
know, a curfew problem as a freshman, a residence
violation as a junior..... The powers that be want to be
able to import student data from another database
directly into the Judicial database I created. Any
thoughts on how I can accommodate this change? I am
capable of adding a Student table and joining it to the
violations table but do not know how to copy the current
data on a student into its case in the violation table .
All help appreciated.Vivian
the data collected includes data which changes (year in
school, major)as well as constant data (id, gender). All
the student related data is included in a "Violation"
table not in a separate student table because I could not
find a way to keep the "picture in time" data from
changing if the student had subsequent offenses - you
know, a curfew problem as a freshman, a residence
violation as a junior..... The powers that be want to be
able to import student data from another database
directly into the Judicial database I created. Any
thoughts on how I can accommodate this change? I am
capable of adding a Student table and joining it to the
violations table but do not know how to copy the current
data on a student into its case in the violation table .
All help appreciated.Vivian