[Comments inline]
We are currently implementing styles in a law firm with 200+ people.
It has been decided to create new styles based on "No Style" rather
than Normal. However, the firm's standard font is Times New Roman 12
and it seems as though Word 2000's default setting for "No Style" is
Times New Roman 10. We are running Word 2000 with Windows 2000 NT
with a Citrix Server. Is there a way to change the "No Style" font to
I'm not familiar with this version of Word, but unless I'm missing something
related to this version, you will be able to choose the font you want for
your new style based on "No style": Format menu -> Style -> "New" button ->
going from the top, name your new style, under "based on:", scroll to "no
style" at the top of the list. Then, after deciding whether you want to add
the style to the template, go to Format and select the font etc
characteristics you want.
Additionally, has anyone experienced any problems with basing new
styles on "no style?"
No. It's the key to stability in long documents. For reasons and
ramifications, go to Google's newsgroup search and specify "exact phrase" as
"no style" and "author" as "McGhie"; this should get it too, once you
eliminate the line breaks:
http://groups.google.com/groups?as_epq=no style&safe=images&ie=ISO-8859-1&
John is a (the?) leading authority on this area. If I recall correctly, he
covers this topic in
In addition, I cover this at various places in the notes on the way I use
Word, titled "Bend Word to your Will", downloadable free at
-- just do a Ctrl-f for "no style". The notes are for a Mac version of Word,
but the main differences for the PC are covered too.
Happy reading!
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(this is in a very different time zone from the US and Europe,
so my follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
* WAIT FOR CONSIDERED ADVICE: If you post a question, keep re-visiting the
newsgroup for several days after the first response comes in. Sometimes it
takes a few responses before the best or complete solution is proposed;
sometimes you'll be asked for further information so that a better answer
can be provided. Good tips about getting the best out of posting are at
* QUERY GOOGLE FIRST: Before posting your next question, search Google
Groups (
http://groups.google.com) -- the topic may have been comprehensively
answered already. If you connect directly to the Microsoft news server
(msnews.microsoft.com), you will see your replies within minutes; going
through your ISP's news server could take much longer, and web-based access
can also be slow -- up to several days. For info on settings to do this, see
the notes at
* POST TO THE NEWSGROUP TO GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK: Please post all comments or
follow-on questions to the newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. If you need to send an e-mail to me directly (although that
would be exceptional), remove the uppercase letters from my address above.
E-mails with attachments are automatically rejected.
* BACK UP NOW: If anyone is still reading down this far, here's a question:
if your settings files were corrupted right now, would you have an
up-to-date backup? It's best to back up your Normal template and all your
Word settings files on a medium other than the internal hard drive and, if
you also want to protect against theft and fire, to store them in a
different building.