Changing Autocorrect Language



I recently began using Office 2003, and am having trouble getting the
Autocorrect language to work consistently in Publisher for text that is
English (Canada). Note that in all other Office programs, the Autocorrect
language used for Canadian English is English (U.K.).

However, when I open a document in Publisher, the Autocorrect Options come
up in English (U.S.). But…if I select any text that is formatted as English
(U.K.), Publisher then begins autocorrecting Canadian English using English

This only applies to the Autocorrect Options, not the spell check, as there
is a separate Canadian English dictionary for spelling, and the text is
correctly defined as Canadian English

I’ve tried changing regional settings on Windows – which seemed to control
Autocorrect in earlier versions of Publisher – and I’ve tried altering Office
language settings in the Office Tools, but Publisher keeps switching the
Autocorrect dictionary it uses for Canadian English.

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